making a difference today

Helping Tasmanian
Families live with
Muscular Dystrophy

And Allied Neuromuscular disorders
It's on again!! Craig Davis and the MDT Orange Tsunami are back for the Brooks Point to Pub in November. To whet your appetite here's a look back at Craig, Adrian Smith, Peter Gee and the MDT Orange Tsunami getting young Declyn over the line in the world's toughest half marathon.
Thinking of participating in this years's event? Join Craig and the MDT Orange Tsunami, commit to raising $200 for MDT and thanks to Coop Toyota we'll pay your entry fee and give you a shiny new hat! Get in touch with us before you register to receive a code for the free entry. Call Di on 0417 372 233 or email


Golf Genius link available soon for team registrations

In the meantime to register  your interest in entering a team please call Mick Peters on 0400 877 137

Do you have
Muscular Dystrophy?

Register with MDT
Muscular Dystrophy Tasmania are determined to make a difference to people affected by the various forms of Muscular Dystrophy and Allied Conditions. 

If you, or your child have a neuromuscular condition please register with us.
Muscular dystrophy is a neuromuscular, genetic disorder which results in the progressive deterioration of muscle strength and function. The most common form in childhood is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which can see a young boy using a manual wheelchair by the age of 8, and being completely dependent on an electric one by his early teens. Life expectancy for this disorder is usually only until early adulthood.

There are many other types of neuromuscular disorders, affecting people of all ages. While most forms of muscular dystrophy occur in babies or children, some others appear in late adolescence or adulthood. 

Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Australia (which is the peak body and national voice for the neuromuscular community) estimates that there are more than 40,000 people with an NMC in Australia. Based on Tasmania’s share of the national population – MDFA’s estimate is that there are likely to be close to 1,000 people living with a NMC right across Tasmania

Researchers and doctors are learning more about the causes of muscular dystrophy and various treatments are being trialled to stop the progression of the disease. Nonetheless, through early diagnosis, proper therapy and support an increased quality of life is possible.


13 William Cooper Drive
New Town  TAS  7008
0400 877 137
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Supported by the Crown through the Department of Health
MDT acknowledges and respects people’s cultural background, beliefs, values, ethnicity, age, gender and abilities.

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